Who We Are

The Love Story Christian Family Library and Homeschool Resource Center is a service of Communion with God Ministries

We are not affiliated with any specific local church or any specific denomination.

We have not sought nor would we accept any government funding or oversight. We exist simply for the service of the people of Western New York who are looking for a safe place to borrow moral, Christian books, videos and audios.

We welcome everyone who is willing to follow the simple guidelines we have established, without any discrimination.

Mission Statement

The Love Story focuses on two main missions. First, we are a Christian Family Library, offering books, audios and videos to support the spiritual lives of all ages. Our fiction and non-fiction materials are safe for every member of your family, and will increase your knowledge of the Bible, improve your relationships and strengthen your walk with the Lord.

Second, we are a Homeschool Resource Center, offering support to the growing homeschool community in Western New York. We have samples of a variety of Christian homeschool curricula for prospective parent-teachers to browse to help them discover what will be best for their children. Our librarians are veteran homeschool mothers who are excited to share the joy of homeschooling with others and help those just starting out to lay a strong foundation. We even have homeschool curricula that you can borrow for the school year and return for another family to use next year.

The Love Story is not part of any denomination and is open to everyone in Western New York. We do not receive any government funding and are supported Communion with God Ministries and the donations of our library patrons.


Love Story Library is a private lending library and homeschool resource centerĀ  open to the community. LSL exists to nurture the intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth of children and families from all segments of our community; particularly those who have been under-served.


To provide fiction and non-fiction materials that are safe for every member of your family, and will increase your knowledge of the Bible, improve your relationships and strengthen your walk with the Lord.

Offering support to the growing homeschool community in Western New York. Providing samples of a variety of Christian homeschool curricula for prospective parent-teachers to browse to help them discover what will be best for their children.

The Love Story strives to be the #1 destination in WNY for families to be equipped in their homeschooling journey. Providing tangible resources (books, CDs, DVDs, and curriculum) as well as help, advice and guidance.

The name of our library was chosen as a constant reminder that the greatest Love Story ever told is that God so loved the world that He sent His Son to die for our sins and to rise victorious from the grave so that we may live with Him forever.