We offer one-on-one appointments to help you start homeschooling! Call Joanne or Holly at 716-681-4896 during our regular hours to schedule an appointment or for more info.

 ATTENTION:  If the weather looks bad, please call the library to make sure we are open before you make the trip. 


The Love Story Library will be closed from December 23rd – January 3rd and will reopen on Monday, January 6th.  Please do not leave any materials in the mailbox during this time. 

Also, planning ahead, the library will be closed on Monday January 20th.    

Check back here for updates on library closing days or upcoming events.


Library Hours


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM



9:00 AM – 5:00 PM



9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Closed All Legal Holidays except Columbus Day, Veterans Day, MLK Day, and Presidents’ Day (i.e., Monday holidays).

In cases of inclement weather, feel free to call ahead and see if we’re open. If local schools are closed for cold temperatures, we’ll be open. If we’ve gotten a huge snowfall, though, we’ll close too.

If you’re not sure, call us at 716-681-4896 and find out whether we’re open!